三十五卷  第一期  二00九年夏

Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health
Volume 35 No.1 Summer 2009
Message from Issue Editor
Child and Youth Mental Health
Raymond W S Chan
A Preliminary Report of a Validity Study of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient Children's Version (AQ-Child) in Hong Kong
Patsy P S Wong
Ivy H Y Cheung
Patrick W L Leung
Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Raymond W S Chan
K K Chung
Child and Adolescent Team, Kwai Chung Hospital
Estella K F Woo
Annie C S Sheh
Child Assessment Service, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR

The Autistic Spectrum Quotient-Children’s version (AQ-Child; Auyeung, Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright & Allison, 2008) is a 50-item parent-report questionnaire which aims at quantifying autistic features in children. In this preliminary study, we replicated the UK study in Hong Kong with a Chinese version of AQ-Child using a control group (n=226) comprised children from a mainstream primary school, and a clinical group (n=48) comprised children diagnosed as having autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Results showed that clinical group (mean=85.7) scored significantly higher than the control group (mean=62.4) (p<0.01). Among the controls, males scored (mean=64.0) higher than females (mean=61.2) with marginal significance (p=0.06) while there was no significant gender difference in the clinical group. The results were commensurate with that of the UK study. Ongoing recruitment of participants is in progress and thus with a larger sample size, the psychometric properties (including validity, internal consistency, underlying factor structure) of the AQ-Child Chinese version could then be explored further.




自閉症類商數-兒童版是一份旨在量化兒童自閉症症狀而由父母填寫的50題問卷。在本初步研究中,使用AQ-Child中文版,結果顯示臨床組分數(mean = 85.7)顯著高於對照組(mean =62.4)。在對照組中,男性分數(mean = 64.0)高於女性(mean=61.2),結果邊緣性顯著(p = .06),而在臨床組中沒有顯著的性別差異。此與英國研究的結果類似。研究仍在擴大樣本量,日後可以對AQ-Child中文版進行進一步的心理測量學探究。

Autism Spectrum Quotient-Children’s Version, Autism, screening
A Case Series on the Social Thinking Training of Mainstreamed Secondary School Students with High-functioning Autism
Kathy Y S Lee
Aster L Y Lui
Peggy P K Kan
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and
the Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
K L Luke
Y M Mak
The Caritas Rehabilitative Service
Caritas – Hong Kong
Penita M P Cheung
Speech Therapy Think Tank
Lisa Cheng
Ivy Wong
Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government

Despite their satisfactory academic achievement and verbal fluency, students with highfunctioning autism encounter great difficulties in using their social and communication skills. The study described herein investigated how effectively a training program in social thinking improved the social communicative functioning of four such students. Quantitative analysis was performed based on the Social Thinking Rating Scale scores of the students’ significant others, including parents, teachers and social workers. Qualitative data were collected before and after the training program through individual interviews with the students and their parents. All interviewees noted improvements in various areas after the training program.




儘管高能力自閉症學生於學業和言語表達上均有不俗表現,他們在社交溝通方面上往往仍面對重重障礙。本專題旨在透過四個個案以探討社交思考訓練課程對改善社交溝通能力的效益。此研究一方面採納了學生的重要夥伴人物,包括父母、老師以及社工,在社交思考等級表上所給予的評分,以進行量化分析。另一方面,各學生及家長亦需於訓練前後接受個別面談,所集得之數據用以作進一步的質性研究。 結果顯示四位青少年及其家長均認為是次課程對他們各方面的發展皆有所裨益。 

Social thinking, high-functioning autism, ILAUGH
Computerized Working Memory Training for Children with ADHD:A Pilot Study in Hong Kong
Y Q He
Department of Psychology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Raymond W S Chan
Child and Adolescent Team
Kwai Chung Hospital

Working memory is the ability to hold and manipulate information for a short period of time. It plays an important role in a wide range of higher-level cognitive skills. Working memory impairment is frequently found among children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but the interactive relationship between working memory and ADHD is unclear. Recent studies have shown that working memory can be improved by intensive and systematic computerized training. In the present study, a computerized working memory training programme for school-age children was developed and its effects on the working memory and behaviours of three ADHD children were studied. The subjects were evaluated 5 weeks before the start of the training, upon completion of the training as well as at a 5-week follow-up. The results demonstrated a significant and lasting effect of the training on the subjects’ working memory but not on their ADHD behaviours. Implications of the findings on working memory training and treatment of ADHD were discussed.




工作記憶是一種在短時間內對信息進行儲存與加工的能力。它對許多高層的認知能力有著很重要的影響。工作記憶能力在患有過度活躍症的孩子中有不同程度的缺失,但兩者之間的關係在目前還不是很清晰。近期的研究發現工作記憶的容量可以透過高強度及有系統的訓練去擴充。本實驗專為本地學齡兒童設計了一套工作記憶訓練軟件, 並針對其對工作記憶與過度活躍行為的改變進行研究。三名患有過度活躍症的學童參與是項研究。他們於訓練前,完成訓練時及跟進時(五星期後)均接受評估。研究發現,參與訓練後,學童的工作記憶容量有顯著提高,這個進步在訓練結束後的五個星期後依然保持。但是,學童的過度活躍行為沒有明顯改變。最後本文討論了研究結果對工作記憶訓練及過度活躍症治療的啟示。

working memory, training, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Physical Activity and Mental Health in Hong Kong
Patrick W C Lau
Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University had jointly conducted a study on physical activity and mental health in Hong Kong. The major objective is to examine the association between physical activity (PA), body mass index (BMI), mental health, and Quality of Life (QoL) of participants in Hong Kong. A cross-sectional survey was conducted. Participants were recruited from four settings: primary schools, secondary schools, universities and community centers in Hong Kong. Data was collected by a set of self-reported questionnaire. Mental health was measured by General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Rating Scale (HADS); QoL was measured using Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI); and PA was assessed using Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQC).Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated on the self-reported weight and height by the participants. Totally 2050 questionnaires were distributed and 1899 completed questionnaires were received. Findings revealed that higher physical activity participation is positively associated with mental health and improves quality of life across all age groups in both sexes.




香港心理衞生會與香港浸會大學合辦了一項名為「體育活動參與及精神健康」的調查,主要目的為了研究運動、體重、精神健康及生活質素之間的關係。調查以問卷方式進行,分別就小學學生、中學學生、大學學生及社區成人四個組群進行訪問,合共發出了2050份問卷而收回1899份有效問卷。 調查結果顯示積極參與運動對精神健康及生活質素有正面作用,而且男女老幼皆可藉此提升生活質素。

physical activity, mental health, quality of life (QoL)
Migration and Mental Health
Professor Dinesh Bhugra
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Transcript of presentation at the 18th Professor Yap Pow-meng Memorial Lecture of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong delivered on 15 Dec 2008.

