三十八卷  第一期  二0一二年夏

Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health
Volume 38 No.1 Summer 2012
Message from Issue Editor
Healthy Ageing
Sally W C Chan
Prevention of Mental Disorders in late life - Perspectives from Hong Kong
Helen F K Chiu
Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Joshua M Y Tsoh
Prince of Wales Hospital and Shatin Hospital

S W Li
Castle Peak Hospital

In the last few decades, there have been significant advances in the path of prevention in some medical illnesses. Of note are some of the achievements of medicine in the field of infectious diseases, perinatal mortality and cardiovascular diseases in the developed countries. Apart from scientific advances in the etiology and treatment of the diseases and new technology, a focus on prevention and raising public awareness are some important factors associated with the downward trends of the afore-mentioned diseases (Beekman et al, 2010). In contrast, prevention of mental disorders is a young field (Beekman et al, 2010) , but fortunately, a growing field. In this paper, prevention of dementia, depression and suicide in late life will be discussed, in the context of Hong Kong. In Psychiatry, primary prevention means preventing the disease from occurring, i.e. reducing the incidence of a disease. Secondary prevention means early detection and screening, so it can lead to reduction of the prevalence of a disease. Tertiary prevention means preventing relapse or reducing dysfunction (Koplan et al, 2007).




在過去幾十年裏,一些疾病的預防得到了 長足的發展,比較有代表性的成就如,在 發達國家,傳染性疾病、圍產期死亡率、 心血管疾病的預防。除了在疾病的病因 學、治療學、新技術方面的進展外,主要 集中于對這些疾病發生有關的重要因素的 預防和引起公眾的關注。相比之下,精神 疾病的預防起步較晚,但幸運的是這是一 個新興領域。本文章,將對香港地區的癡 呆症、抑鬱症、生命末期自殺傾向的預防 進行討論。在精神病學領域,初級預防意 味著預防疾病的發生,如減少疾病的發 生;二級預防即早期發現和篩查,進而減 緩疾病的發展;三級預防即預防疾病的復 發和身體機能的減退。 

Prevention, mental disorders in late life
Caring for Older People in Australia: Policy Challenges and Opportunities
Helen Bartlett
Monash University, Australia

As the Australian population ages in line with other westernised countries, the health care needs of older people are becoming increasingly complex, with a growing emphasis on self-care management in diverse community settings. These changing needs have important implications for future care models and workforce planning. Policy attention is currently focused in Australia on exploring ways in which access to care and support can be improved for all older Australians, with ageing in place a clear policy goal where possible. While new solutions are sought to meet the needs of this growing older population, the current and potential contribution of nursing should be carefully considered. This paper explores some of the key challenges in community and aged care delivery in Australia, including the current issues experienced by the nursing profession in its contribution to aged care in this changing environment. While there are some examples of good practice and innovation, making this field of nursing more attractive is still a major challenge. The agenda for change is explored, along with the skills required for a new era in community and aged care nursing which prepares nurses for an enhanced scope of practice, greater collaborative working with clients and other care professionals, and improved career pathways.





Ageing, Australia, policy
Healthy Ageing – Singapore’s Perspective
Y L Chow
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore

Due to better health care and improved living conditions, people are living longer. It is a well-known fact that the world population is ageing fast although not at the same rate, some countries faster than others. Although a phenomenon worth celebrating, it is not without its challenges. Ageing population impacts on the socioeconomic, health and policy direction of a given country. In anticipation, some countries have put in place strategies to meet these challenges. This paper aims to examine the concept and dimensions of healthy ageing and measures taken to enable its ageing population to age in place in the Singapore context.



健康晚年 – 新加坡的情況


Healthy ageing, physical activity, diets, mental health.
Integrated health and social care for people with mental illness in Hong Kong – Who will lead us into the future?
Claudia K Y Lai
School of Nursing,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

People and especially older people with mental illness have complex healthcare needs. Globally, the basic tenet that mentally ill patients need to be supported by an integrated health and social model of care for rehabilitation is upheld by various advanced countries. Documentation from the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Government shows that our Administration also adopts this position. More often than not in Hong Kong, the discipline of social work may seem to equate to case management in community care. Nursing has been advocating holistic care for those under our care. Within the framework of promoting a better integration model of health and social care, could this be the time for nurses to consider how we could take the lead in instigating changes? This paper attempts to discuss the worldwide trend of health and medical care integration in the community care of mentally ill patients and their families. Hong Kong is behind in terms of this development in community mental health care. Nurses need to play a more proactive role in facilitating changes for the future.



為香港精神病患者提供綜合健康和社區護理 ﹣由誰引導我們步進未來?


Community, mental health nursing, case management, mental health policy
Satisfaction of patients towards the elderly suicide prevention programme of the Castle Peak Hospital and their attitude towards medical treatment for their depressive illnesses
Mimi M C Wong
S W Li
C F Chan
Y M Lau
Castle Peak Hospital

Objectives: This study aims to explore how patients perceived the Elderly Suicide Prevention Programme of the Castle Peak Hospital and to examine their attitude towards their medical treatment in order to facilitate further improvement of service and to improve their medication adherence. Participants and Methods: Focus group interviews were conducted. Data collected were sorted and analysed and relevant themes were generated from each focus group. Findings: Twenty seven participants attended the focus groups. All of them found the programme effective in the treatment of their illness and they were satisfied with the service. Among all the factors, the short waiting time, helpful attitude of staff, regular home visits and medication treatment were most appreciated. They would like home visits to be continued even after they had recovered. Most of them were aware of the importance of medical treatment after receiving psychoeducation from the team members. Conclusion: This qualitative study provides evidence on the effectiveness of the Elderly Suicide Prevention Programme. Although this intensive community support involves a significant amount of manpower and resources, it is worthwhile as the service is perceived by the patients to be an important contributing factor towards their recovery.





Focus group, Elderly, Depression, Suicide prevention
Functional activity and depression in elderly people over 70 years of age visiting Accident and Emergency Departments
Kristiina Kariniemi-Ormala
Katri Venviläinen-Julkunen
Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Eastern Finland

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional home activity and depression incidence in the elderly people (over 70 years of age) after an Accident and Emergency Department visit. It is well known that elderly people commonly use emergency services; however, elderly patients have been less studied in acute care settings than other age groups. Sample and materials: Data were collected by interviewing 141 elderly people aged 70 years and older from one university hospital district in Finland and by analysing the person’s medical records. The interview included the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Social Activity Measures and the Geriatric Depression Scale. Results: Elderly people 70 years and older who were living at home had predominantly independent activities of daily living statuses, and their self-reported ability to manage their life was good despite their functional characteristics. However, unidentified depression, continuous melancholy and the lack of assistance in activities of daily living were identified problems for this group of elderly people. Conclusions: In acute care settings, it is of utmost importance for advanced nursing practitioners to pay attention to elderly patients’ ability to function at home and to identify depression symptoms in these patients. It is a challenge for care continuity, to empower elderly people and recognise these common threats to their ability to manage at home.





Activities of daily living, Depression, Elderly people, Interview, Social activity
Characteristics of Mental Patients with High Fall Risk and the use of Fall Assessment Tool in a Mental Hospital
Mimi M C Wong
K W Wu
Castle Peak Hospital

Background: The Morse Fall Scale was used to assess the risk of fall of patients in Castle Peak Hospital since 2011. Participants and Methods: A comparison between the previous and new assessment scales was conducted to assess their agreeability if they were performed on the same patient at the same time. Results: Seven hundred thirty two in-patients were involved. Forty-six patients were identified to have high fall risk (26 by both tools, 19 by the Fall Risk Predictive Factors Assessment only and one by the Morse Fall Scale only). The commonest risk factor for fall was their overestimation of their ability, followed by the presence of more than one active diagnosis as well as the need for medications which would increase their fall risk. Conclusion: There is a need to follow up the number of fall incidents in the hospital after the change in the fall assessment tool.





Fall assessment, mental hospital
Family-Centred Care for Children and Youth with Mental Health Needs: The Case of Anorexia Nervosa
Prof. Joyce L C Ma
Professor and Chairperson
Department of Social Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 


Transcript of the presentation at the 13th T.P. Khoo Memorial Lecture of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong delivered on 8th December 2011.
