Message from Issue Editor
The Application of a Positive Behaviour Support Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pioneering Study in Hong Kong
Phyllis K S Wong Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Background: Positive behaviour support (PBS) is increasingly viewed as the preferred service approach for people with intellectual disabilities (IDs); however, many services settings may not have equipped their frontline workers with practice skills in this field in Hong Kong. This study is a first attempt to systematically apply the PBS model to ID adult services, with the aims of providing training to staff members on the knowledge and skills in applying the PBS model and in alleviating the challenging behaviours of service user participants with IDs. Methods: A single-system research design was adopted to measure the alleviation of challenging behaviour. In total, 18 service user participants were involved in individual tailor-made interventions. Meanwhile, a pretestposttest design was adopted to measure the staff changes. A total of 18 social workers participated. Results: The challenging behaviours of seven service users were improved. Participating social workers’ competencies in managing challenging behaviour were also enhanced. Discussion: Reflections on the practice and recommendations will be discussed. |
智障成人「正向行為支持」的應用:香港開創性研究 背景:儘管「正向行為支持」在國際智障人士服務領域中,愈受關注。然而其技巧仍未完全普及,在香港尤甚。本研究首次將「正 向行為支持」模式有系統地應用於智障成人服務領域中,旨在使社工具備「正向行為支持」模式相關的知識與技巧,以幫助減少服 務使用者的需關注行為。 研究方法:本研究共有18 位服務使用者及18 位社工參與。並採用「單一系統研究設計」與「前後測研究設計」以分別測量服務使用者需關注行為的改善情況及社工的轉變。 研究結果:7 位服務使用者的需關注行為得到改善。參與社工管理需關注行為的能力亦有增強。 討論:本文將討論實踐「正向行為支持」的經驗,及為將來發展作出建議。 |
Positive behaviour support, evidence-based intervention, adults with intellectual disabilities, Hong Kong. |
Outcome Study on the Personal and Clinical Recovery of ICCMW Service Users in the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
C K Lee, C Yang, H Y Wong, S C So and M S Wong The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong |
This study aims to evaluate the outcome of Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) services of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (MHAHK) in terms of clinical and personal recovery. 78 service users from 3 ICCMWs were recruited. In the first part of the study, the pretestposttest quasi-experimental approach was used to explore the participants’progress on clinical and personal recovery. In the second part, a qualitative study was conducted to explore the factors that are important to the clinical and personal recovery of ICCMW service users. Significant improvement in post-test scores on both clinical and personal recovery measures were found. The qualitative study identified five themes that were important to the participants’ clinical and personal recovery, including home-likeness, recovery coaching, empathetic understanding, social support and social relationships, and assertive engagement. The results provided preliminary evidence on supporting resource allocation to ICCMW services and a further step towards evidence-based practice. They also provided valuable reference to the development of built-in mechanism in ongoing monitoring of outcome of the services. |
精神健康綜合社區中心服務使用者的復元狀況研究 本研究旨在了解服務使用者接受精神健康綜合社區中心服務6個月後,在個人及臨床復元上的進展,研究結果顯示服務使用者的臨床抑鬱及焦慮徵狀有明顯減少,個人復元程度亦有明顯提升。服務使用者並指出五個他們認為與中心服務相關而有助促進他們復元的主要元素,包括:家的感覺、能夠被理解、復元為本的指導、社交支持及主動接觸。 |
Recovery, Service evaluation, Mental wellness |
An Overview on the Development of Recovery-Oriented Practice in the Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness in the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
C K Lee, H Y Wong and C Yang The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong |
This paper is an overview on the development of Recovery-Oriented Practice in the Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness in the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. |
精神健康綜合社區中心復元為本服務的發展回顧 香港心理衞生會三間精神健康綜合社區中心由2010年成立至今,採用復元為本的服務模式回應社區精神健康支援服務的發展需要。本文旨在回顧三間中心復元為本服務的發展歷程,由訂立期(2011-13年)、發展期(2014-17年)至轉化期(2018至今),每個階段皆有其獨特的里程碑及策略性的持續發展。本文亦標誌著本會同工推動復元為本服務的決心。 |
Recovery-oriented practice, Recovery strategic development, Community mental health service |
「友約會就業支援先導計劃」服務評估及香港精神病康復者 / 智障人士就業支援需要研究
姚美因及陳婉珊 香港心理衞生會 |
政府現時營運或資助的各類殘疾人士就業支援服務不足及欠缺延續性,加上服務並沒有針對僱主提供支援,影響殘疾人士就業穩定性,僱主對聘用殘疾人士的各種憂慮亦未能釋除。針對以上的不足,香港心理衞生會訓練及就業服務中心於2016年開展「友約會就業支援先導計劃」(下稱:「此計劃」)。此研究主要透過問卷調查、聚焦小組及訪談,向參與過此計劃的殘疾人士、企業單位及企業員工,了解此計劃的成效,以及殘疾人士在就業上和企業在聘用殘疾人士上的需要,從而為探討優化現時就業支援服務的可行辦法。研究結果反映此計劃的功效,同時揭示了殘疾人士及僱主的需要。 |
Study on Vocational Support Service Needs of Persons with Disabilities in Hong Kong and Evaluation on the Pilot Scheme on Vocational Support for Persons with Disabilities The employment support services currently provided by the Hong Kong Government for persons with disabilities (PWDs) are inadequate and lack continuity. Moreover, the lack of supportive service to the employers leads to instability employment of PWDs and reveals the reason for the unwillingness and hesitation of the employers to hire PWDs. To combat the problem, the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong launched the “Pilot Scheme on Vocational Support for Persons with Disability” (hereinafter referred to as “the Scheme”) in 2016. A mixed methods approach was used in this research, data were obtained via questionnaire, focus group and face-to-face interviews. The study gives an overview of the current employment situation of PWDs, provides a brief introduction of their needs in employment, and evaluates the effectiveness of the Scheme. |
殘疾人士就業、輔助就業、企業支援 |
Screening and Early Intervention on Mood and Neurocognitive Impairments for Stroke Patients undergoing In-patient Rehabilitation: Initial Results of the Integrated Mood and Neuropsychological (iMAN) Scheme
Theodore C K Cheung
Department of Clinical Psychology, Haven of Hope Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Canada
Sharon T Y Li, Josephine Y F Chu and S Y Li
Department of Clinical Psychology, Haven of Hope Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR
Mood problems and cognitive impairment are common sequelae of stroke and require clinical attention. This study investigated the effectiveness of psychometric screening service in stroke rehabilitation between April 2014 and March 2016. A total of 457 non-aphasic stroke in-patients were screened and clinical psychology service was provided for indicated patients. Results showed that patients had marked improvement in mood and cognitive functioning when discharged. The clinical psychology service was found to contribute to such improvement by providing intensive mood treatment and neurocognitive rehabilitation respectively. Long-term follow-up on the mood and cognitive status of discharged patients and alternative psychological treatment modality were recommended. |
中風病人在復康醫院的綜合情緒認知甄別評估與及早治療初步結果 中風後患者往往會出現需受關注的情緒及認知障礙。本研究旨在探討心理甄別評估在中風復康住院的成效,在二零一四年四月至二零一六年三月間共招募了457個中風住院病人,並在評估後為其中有需要的病人提供臨床心理服務。結果指出在出院時病人的情緒及認知能力整體有臨床上的顯著進步。通過提供心理治療或腦神經復康訓練,臨床心理服務為病人的復康帶來正面的影響。文末亦探討了在病人出院後作長期跟進的臨床價值,以及談話治療以外的其他心理治療模式。 |
Stroke, depression, screening, psychotherapy, neurocognitive intervention |