Message from Issue Editor
Preliminary Findings on the Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version Verbal and Non-verbal Interaction Scale (C-VNVIS)
Justina Y W Liu School of Nursing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Communication between caregivers and care recipients is crucial in providing quality nursing care. However, older persons with cognitive impairment have major difficulties in verbal communication due to deterioration in their ability to express themselves verbally. The Chinese version Verbal and Non-verbal Interaction Scale (C-VNVIS-CR) was developed to assess behavioural responses in an all-round approach that captures both the sociable (such as calm, relaxed) and unsociable (such as argumentative, shouting) versus the verbal and non-verbal behavioural responses that may be observed in cognitively impaired people. The preliminary results show that it has satisfactory levels of inter-rater and test-retest reliability as well as internal consistency, but only modest levels of correlation with another observational scale for assessing cognitively impaired people emotional changes. Thus, further validation studies of the C-VNVIS-CR are necessary. However, the most important point of this study is that it sheds new light on how cognitively impaired residents’ responses can be assessed in a reliable and systematic manner. This is an important first step to evaluate and monitor the quality of care provided to them based on their behavioural responses via the consistent use of C-VNVIS-CR – an observation-based instrument. |
語言和非語言的互動量表(被照顧者)心理測量特性的初步確立 照顧者和被照顧者之間的溝通是提供優質護理服務的關鍵。但是,由於患有認知障礙的長者的言語表達能力已衰退,因此他們未必能夠進行言語溝通互動。發展C-VNVIS-CR就是用以全方位評估認知障礙者的行為反應,捕捉有可能在他們身上觀察到的社交(例如鎮靜和輕鬆)和非社交(例如爭吵和呼喝)及言語和非言語的行為反應。 初步結果顯示雖然C-VNVIS-CR的觀察者評分信度、再測信度和內部一致性信度都處於滿意水平,但與另一份用以量度認知障礙人士情緒轉變的觀察量表的相關係數只有中度水平。 因此, 這需要進一步的驗證研究以收集更多證據支持C-VNVIS-CR的效度。然而,這項研究最重要的一點是能夠進一步了解如何對有認知障礙的長者的反應進行可靠和有系統的評估。另外,這亦為使用觀測量表(即 C-VNVIS-CR) 量度認知障礙長者的行為表現,並持續地評估和監測給予他們的護理的品質踏出重要的一步。 |
cognitively impaired, Chinese version of C-VNVIS-CR, communication behaviours |
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Quality of life and psychosocial health of older people who were living alone or with another older person in Singapore
K K Tan Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland Sally W C Chan School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health and Medicine The University of Newcastle, Australia |
As the proportion of older people in the world continues to rise, many older people are living apart from their immediate and extended families. Their ability to continue to live independently and to enjoy optimal quality of life depends on their physical and psychosocial health. This study examined the quality of life and psychosocial health of older people who were living independently. Sixty community-dwellers aged 65 or above and who were living alone or with another older person participated in this descriptive cross-sectional study. The participants were relatively satisfied with QOL. They perceived poorer physical health when compared with social, psychological and environment domains of QOL. Compared with those living with other person, participants who were living alone were significantly associated with probable executive cognitive function impairment and poorer physically independence in IADL, and lower satisfaction with physical health domain of QOL and with social support. Healthcare professionals have the responsibilities to identify older people at risk and adopt appropriate interventions to enhance their psychosocial health and quality of life. |
獨居長者的生活質素和心理健康 全球長者人口比例持續上升,很多長者與家人分開居住。他們持續獨立生活及享受最高生活質素的能力取決於他們的生理及心理健康。本文探討獨居長者的生活質素和心理健康。六十個居住於社區的65歲或以上長者參與了這項描述性橫剖面研究,他們均是獨居或與另一名長者同住。參加者普遍滿意生活質素。當與社交、心理及環境生活質素範疇比較時,他們的生理健康情況較差。相對與他人同住的長者,獨居長者明顯有較大的認知功能障礙、較差的日常獨立活動能力,對生理健康及社交支援的滿意程度亦較低。醫療專業人士有責任識別高危長者,採取適當的介入,改善他們的心理健康及生活質素。 |
older people, psychosocial health, quality of life |
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Brain stimulation for late-life depression: A review
W C Chan Jayson Z Y Chan Cindy S Y Lai Corine S M Wong Department of Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong |
The burden of depression in older adults is enormous. Apart from being highly prevalent, late-life depression is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. While pharmacotherapy and psychological interventions remain as the mainstay of treatment, evidence supporting treatment using brain stimulating technologies is emerging. In the current article, the efficacy of four brain stimulating technologies including electroconvulsive therapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, and deep brain stimulation as treatment for older adults with depressive disorders is reviewed. |
綜述使用腦刺激療法治療長者抑鬱症 長者抑鬱症造成的負擔十分巨大,它不但非常普遍,亦增加長者患病及死亡的風險。雖然藥物治療和心理干預仍是主要的治療方法,愈來愈多證據支持使用腦刺激技術來治療長者抑鬱症。這文章檢視四類腦刺激技術,包括腦電盪治療、非入侵性透顱磁力腦刺激、經顱直流電刺激和深部腦刺激治療老年抑鬱症的療效。 |
old age, depression, brain stimulation |
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Relationship among psychological well-being, coping, resilience and depression of older adults: An exploratory study
Nur Ahdiah Binti Mohamed Salleh Registered Nurse, National University Hospital, Singapore K K Tan Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland Sally W C Chan School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Newcastle, Australia |
This study aimed to investigate the relationship among psychological wellbeing, coping, resilience and depression of older adults in Singapore. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a community centre with a convenience sample of 199 older adults. Face-to-face structured interview was used to collect data. Measures included General Coping Subscale, Connor-Davidson Scale, WHO-5 Well-Being Index, Geriatric Depression Scale and socio-demographic data. The findings suggested that participants generally reported high level of coping, resilience, and well-being. Higher level of coping and resilience were related to higher psychological wellbeing and lower risk for depression. Higher level of coping was related to higher resilience. Caregiver responsibility was a significant factor influencing resilience. This study suggested building coping and resilience in older adults as strategies to enhance their psychological well-being and reduce the risk of depression. This approach will shift from focusing on the fragility, ill health and problems faced by older adults to a model of working with their strengths and areas of enduring ability. |
心理健康、處理力、抗逆力和抑鬱症的關係 本文旨在探討新加坡長者在心理健康、處理力、抗逆力和抑鬱症的關係。在社區中心對199位長者進行橫剖面研究,透過會面及有系統的訪問收集數據。評估方法包括普通處理副量表、Connor-Davidson量表、世界衞生組織五健康指標、老年抑鬱量表及社會與人口數據。結果發現參與研究者普遍達至高水平的處理力、抗逆力及健康。良好的處理力及抗逆力能導致高水平的心理健康,減低抑鬱症的機會。良好的的處理力與高水平的抗逆力息息相關。照顧者的承擔是影響抗逆力的重要因素。本文建議加強長者的處理力和抗逆力,以改善他們的心理健康,減低抑鬱症的危機。此方法由集中於長者的脆弱、疾病及困難轉移到發揮他們的強項及持續能力範疇。 |
psychological well-being, coping, resilience |
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Redefining old: Optimising health and wellbeing
Rachel Rossiter 1,3 Jenny Day 1, 4 Vanessa M McDonald 1,2 Sharyn Hunter 1, 4 Sarah Jeong 1, 4 Pamela Van Der Riet 1, 4 Jane Maguire 1, 3 Margaret Harris 1, 3 Isabel Higgins 1, 4 1 School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Newcastle, Australia 2 Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia 3 Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health 4 Centre for Gender Health and Ageing |
Globally, people are ageing. Accordingly, during this time of population change, quality of life, including health and wellbeing, are increasingly being addressed in positive and meaningful ways. Determinants of health and the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ model provide an anchor point for this paper to discuss how a positivistic view has evolved. Further, effective models of care, as well as social, behavioural, personal, and economic determinants of health are discussed Finally, first-hand stories from older people redefine ‘old,’ and highlight personal strategies to optimise health and wellbeing. |
重新定義年長:優化身心健康 全球面對老齡化,正面及有意義的生活質素(包括身心健康)愈來愈受重視。健康主要決定因素及“Five W a y s t o Wellbeing”模範為本文提供了穩固的基礎,以討論如何發展正面思維。本文亦探討有效的照顧模式、社交、行為、個人及健康主要的經濟決定因素。最後,長者親自重新定義年長,並重點介紹優化個人身心健康的策略。。 |
Ageing, Health, Wellbeing |
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