Message from Chief Editor
Compulsive Buying Behaviours among Chinese People in Hong Kong:Prevalence, Patterns and Mental Health Conditions
Daniel F K Wong School of Nursing and Social Work The University of Melbourne Stevens H W Lo Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong Tracy Leung Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong |
Objectives: This study was exploratory and aimed to find out the prevalence, profiles and mental health conditions of compulsive buyers in Hong Kong. Method: A convenience sampling method was used to recruit respondents from university campuses, shopping centres and users of social services of Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals. A total of 1489 people completed the questionnaire. Results: Using the criteria proposed by Faber and O’Guinn, 100 respondents fell into the compulsive buying category. The numbers of female to male compulsive buyers were 60% to 40%, and about 70% in younger age group below 30. The most frequently purchased items were clothing, food and dinning and shoes. Compulsive buyers tended to spend an average of $HK500 on each item they brought and mainly used credit card to pay for the purchase. Many compulsive buyers were in debts and borrowed money from relatives and families to pay their debts as well as using credit cards to do so. Over 13 % had their debts reorganized and another 11% went bankrupt. Both male and female compulsive buyers had very high rate of psychological distress as indicated by their GSI scores (77.5% for men and 65% for women). Those who had a history of mental illness claimed that they had the illnesses after engaging in compulsive buying behaviours, and not vice versa. The most common types were depression and anxiety. Implications for public education and counseling were discussed. |
香港華人強迫購物行為之普遍率、行為模式及精神健康狀況研究 目的:這項研究是探究性質及旨在發掘出香港強逼性購買者的過度消費行為:普遍程度、模式及心理狀況。 方法:從大學、購物中心及東華三院轄下的社會服務使用者中進行研究,最後共1,489人完成問卷調查。 結果:採納Faber及O’Guinn提出的準則,發現100名受訪者被列入強逼性購買者的類型。當中女性佔六成,70%年齡為30歲以下。他們最經常消費的項目包括衣服、飲食及鞋子。強逼性購買者平均消費$500於一項物品上,並多選擇使用信用咭簽帳。大多數強逼性購買者都有負債,並需向親友借貸或運用信用咭去清還債務。其中超過13%需進行債務重組,11%更需要申請破產。根據GSI數據顯示,男性及女性的強逼性購買者出現嚴重的精神心理困擾(男性為77.5%,女性為65%)。部份有精神問題的強逼性購買者表示,他們由於有過度消費行為而導致患上精神病,而最常見為抑鬱症及焦慮症。最後本文將討論涉及公眾教育及輔導的範疇。 |
compulsive buying behaviours, prevalence, patterns and mental health conditions |
Postnatal Family Support and Childcare Stress to First-time Mothers in Hong Kong
Sharron S K Leung Department of Nursing Studies The University of Hong Kong |
Family support and stress to first-time mothers were frequently reported in the literature but specific information on Hong Kong Chinese is still scant. A nonexperimental prospective study was conducted to identify specific stressors as well as significant types and sources of support that were related to postnatal depression during the first six weeks. Among the 192 first-time mothers, support from spouses and their own mothers were protective against depression and stress. Spousal support is particularly important in predicting the increased risk of postnatal depression and childcare stress. Support from in-law surprisingly increased the risk of postnatal depression. Both emotional and instrumental supports were negatively correlated with stress and postnatal depression. Missed previous activities or work, felt trapped or confined, overwhelmed by the demands of infant care, could not quiet baby’s cries, and had trouble establishing regular baby’s sleep pattern were top five childcare related stressors. Intervention should be developed to enhance spousal support with the emphasis on emotional and instrumental support in order to prevent postnatal depression and reduce childcare stress. |
香港初任母親的產後家庭支援及照顧嬰兒的壓力 初為人母的壓力及對其應有的家庭支援在文獻中經常被提及,然而,關於香港人的相關具體資訊仍是較為缺乏。因此,我們進行了一項非實驗性的前瞻性研究,研究婦女在產後首六個星期的產後抑鬱情緒、壓力來源及支持她們的可行方法。在192個接受訪問的初任母親中,調查結果顯示丈夫及自己母親的支持是對抗抑鬱及壓力的良方,其中丈夫的支持最能有效預防產後抑鬱及減低照顧嬰孩的壓力。相反,來自丈夫父母親的支持會增加產婦患上產後抑鬱症的危機。情感支持和實務幫助則與抑鬱及壓力都有負相關。照顧嬰兒壓力來源的首五位分別是:懷念以前的生活模式及工作、感到被困或被幽禁、因照顧初生嬰兒而耗盡精力、未能平息嬰兒的哭嚎及未能建立嬰兒規律的睡眠時間。研究建議應引入援助以加強初任母親的丈夫在情感上及實務上的支持,以預防妻子患上產後抑鬱及減低其照顧嬰孩的壓力。 |
postnatal family support, childcare stress and postnatal depression, firsttime mothers |
Christian-Buddhist Cognitive Schema and Mental Health
S K Cheung Division of Social Studies City University of Hong Kong |
In recent decades, research has indicated that intrinsic religious orientation and positive religious coping are useful predictors of one’s mental health. A central concept is religious cognitive schema, which enables individuals to make sense of adverse experiences. However, due to its root in Christianity, the focus is mainly on the view of God. On the other hand, Buddhism suggests that one’s view of existential phenomena, whether it is essentialism or enlightenment, forms the basis for one’s suffering. The paper proposes a framework integrating the view of God and the view of existential phenomena and illustrates how religious clients can be helped more effectively with Zen methods applied in a Christian context. |
源自基督教和佛教的認知基模與精神健康 近數十年,不少研究指出內信仰定位及正面的宗教應付方式與個人心理健康有密切關係。文獻提出宗教認知基模的概念,指出它能讓個人在逆境中發掘當中的意義。 但因這概念建基於基督教派,焦點主要集 中個人對神的意象。反之,佛教卻著重個人的世界觀,強調個人對世事的執著正是痛苦的根源,唯有覺悟才能脫離苦海。本文提出一個結合對神和世界兩方面觀點的架構,說明如何借用禪宗的方法,加強對基督教受助者的輔導。 |
Christianity, Buddhism, mental health |
Effect of Multi-sensory Approach on Behavioral Problems of a Mentally Handicapped Adult – A Case Study
Adam Wong Tin Shui Home The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong |
This paper is an investigation on the effect of multi-sensory approach on behavioral problems of a mentally handicapped adult. An empirical case study was applied to compare the frequency of undesirable behavior in a care and attention home setting and multi-sensory room. The results suggest that the decrease of undesirable behaviors (screaming and head hitting) in multi-sensory room was statistically significant. Our subject preferred interacting with the multi-sensory equipments to engaging in stereotypy. More research on the generalization effect of multi-sensory approach is recommended in the future. |
個案研究-多感官室在改善智障人士行為問題的應用 本文旨在探討應用多感官室(Multi-sensory room)來改善嚴重弱智人士行為問題。通過一位在嚴重弱智人士護理院舍院友的個案研究,比較這位院友在護理院舍環境和多感官室內的尖叫及打頭等行為問題的出現次數。從數據顯示當該名院友在多感官室內,她的行為問題出現次數明顯減少。我們建議可在未來研究中著眼於多感官室的治療效果能否轉化致日常生活環境上。 |
multi-sensory, behavioral problems, mental handicapped |
Brief Cognitive-behavioral Intervention for Teachers’ Work-Related Stress: A Discussion Paper on Recruitment and Engagement Issues
Sharron S K Leung Department of Nursing Studies The University of Hong Kong Vico C L Chiang Department of Nursing Studies The University of Hong Kong Y W Mak Department of Nursing Studies The University of Hong Kong Y Y Chui Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Stephen Y K Sun SCOPE City University of Hong Kong Daniel F K Wong School of Nursing and Social Work University of Melbourne |
This paper discussed the introduction of a brief cognitive-behavioral intervention for secondary school teachers in Hong Kong to manage their work-related stress. Core ideas of the program were introduced to a class of 99 secondary school teachers who attended a course for professional development. Upon receiving positive feedback, the full program was designed and pilot-tested. Since this was a preventive intervention taking the universal target approach, many targeted teachers might not perceive the need of managing stress. Therefore, the enrolment was slow and a number of barriers were encountered during the process of participants’ recruitment. A variety of promotional efforts was used to attract interested parties. Although the program was promising that many teachers showed interest, not many of them were able to commit the time to participate. Finally, recruitment was done with the collaboration of school principals and the intervention was refined to a one-day program upon their requests. The issues of participant recruitment and engagement were discussed. The lessons learnt from the development and launching this short preventive intervention provide useful insights in Hong Kong for designing better program and more effect recruitment strategies in the future for this type of study and intervention. |
為香港中學教師設計的簡短認知行為 本文討論一項為協助香港中學教師處理工作壓力而設計的認知行為減壓計劃。此計劃的核心概念曾在一個中學教師專業發展課程中向99位教師作出介紹。參加者對此計劃表示歡迎。而計劃的設計就教師其後所提出的建議而修改並試行。由於這是一個預防性的計劃,對象為一般教師而他們未必明顯地受到工作壓力困擾,因此在招募參加者的過程中遇到一定的困難。研究人員曾用各種各樣的宣傳方法來吸引參加者。雖然不少教師對計劃曾表示感興趣,但沒有太多人能付出時間參與。最後,在數位校長的協作下,成功完成招募,而計 劃亦應要求濃縮為一天。本文討論有關這計劃的招募及參與者投入的問題。今次發展及推行這個精簡的預防性計劃的經驗,可作為日後香港同類研究在內容設計及招募策略方面的實用參考。 |
brief cognitive-behavioral intervention, teachers, work related stress |